
Eight miles high wiki
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This is in sharp contrast with the findings of modern cosmology which show the Earth to have formed some 9 billion years after the beginning of the universe. The Qur'an presents the prevailing Middle-Eastern myth that the Earth and heavens were formed in six days. Main Article: Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Creation The whole passage is about day and night and the sun and moon's movement in that context. Whichever interpretation was intended, the sun's movement is nevertheless mentioned right after describing day and night, just as the next verse mentions the different mansions appointed for the moon each night. Another version of the above hadith probably supports this view (for details of all these things see footnotes in the main article). Other verses talk about the sun swimming for a 'term appointed' (using a different Arabic word). The alternative view among exegetes was that this refers to the sun's final resting on the last day. This cycle repeats, until one day Allah asks the sun to rise 'from your setting place' (مِنْ مَغْرِبِكِ). There are also sahih hadith ( Sahih Muslim 1:297) that mention the sun's daily cycle using the same Arabic word to mean a resting place, which is underneath Allah's throne, and is where each night the sun prostrates and is asked to go and rise 'from its rising place' (مِنْ مَطْلِعِهَا). Quran 36:37-40, occurring in a passage about night and day, right after describing the change from day to night, states that the sun runs on to a resting place for it (لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَّهَا). 5.13 Countable currency in ancient Egypt.5.8 Nabatean rock tombs at al-Hijr as homes and palaces from before the time of Pharaoh.5.4 Ezra as the son of God in Jewish doctrine.3.7 Disregard of evaporation in water cycle.3.3 Mountains as pegs which prevent the earth from shaking.3.2 Permanent barrier between fresh and salt water.3.1.2 Fasting and prayer requirements near the Poles.2.2.4 Humans created from a clot of blood.2.2.1 Semen originating between the backbone and ribs.1.18 Disregard of North and South Poles.1.17 The cause of shadows changing length.1.14 The sky/heaven as something that can fall.1.13 The sky/heaven as a guarded ceiling.1.11 The entire heaven has a night and day.1.7 Similar size and distance of the sun and moon.

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1.3 Earth and heavens created in six days.1.2 Setting and rising place of the sun.

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